Monday 18 October 2010

Day 1 - The beginning - 18 October 2010

Having heard of similiar challenges, I've set myself the goal of taking at least 1 photo per day for a year.  I know my tendancy to start projects and not complete them, thus the blog - it's the only way I can try to ensure I actually continue doing this is to start a blog, and record my efforts.

Hopefully over the course of the year I'll be able to develop my photography skills.  Right now, I tend to snap away every now and again in social situations, without too much consideration.  By forcing myself to take at least one photo a day, I'll have to think more carefully about what to take - especially as most of the time I'll just be going about my daily routine, and so not seeing 'new' things to photograph. But just on my way home this evening, after making the decision today to do this, I saw so many things differently and was wishing I had my camera with me.  From now on I'll be carrying it around!

So here's the first effort. I thought that it was a little appropriate to photograph some of my favourite photos - these with a water theme.


  1. I think that this is a great challenge. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your work!

  2. Sounds like a really cool idea! I look forward to following your progress! :)

  3. I look forward to an interesting year Mel. I can say from my own experience over the last year that carrying a camera around with you does help you to have a richer experience of your environment. Go for it!
