Friday 22 October 2010

Day 5 - St Pancras Station - 22 October 2010

St Pancras station caught me by surprise when I first saw it.  Being used to stations such as Euston, which are boring and plain, I wasn't really prepared for a station to look like that.  I suppose I hadn't realised the importance that Victorians placed on the railways.  In the 1960s it was scheduled to be demolished.  I can only say I'm glad they didn't.  Here's just one corner of it - I'll take more of the rest of it on other days, but it really is stunning.


  1. We forget just how revolutionary the railways were (and Britain was first to have them). No one had EVER travelled faster on land than a horse, and certainly not in great numbers. It was a complete social revolution.

    Love the photo Mel. Look forward to seeing the others when they come (and the remodelled interior of St. Pancras is good too).

  2. Yes, I was going to go inside and get some photos of that - it's such a cool place.
